outside beauties misbehaving

Tips from the Maids of Honour / Bridesmaids

Maid of honour and Bridesmaid, Amy and Kelly

  1. Bridesmaids and maids of honour, keep in mind that it’s not about you. It’s about the bride. If she wants you in an orange chiffon dress, wear it graciously, regardless of how you feel about orange chiffon. The bride and groom may choose something for their wedding that you never would (like orange chiffon)…don’t make them feel bad about it and have them second-guessing themselves. They’ve got enough stress as it is. And again, it’s not about what you want, it’s about what they want!
  2. If your bride is nervous, try to calm her nerves with some laughter. Dip into your mutual world of inside jokes and make her smile. Create a play list of songs you know your bride will like for the morning of preparations to help her relax. Also make sure you’ve scheduled some downtime during the big day for food and relaxing. Lunch should be included at some point on the wedding day’s timetable. Have it catered, get a veggie tray, mini sandwiches – anything that is easy to eat and will not make too much of a mess. Also it’s usually a looooong time between lunch and dinner. Make sure you’ve packed some food and beverages in your emergency kit to snack on during the limo rides and during the wedding photos.
  3. Create an emergency kit. Cosmetics, needle and thread, meds, snacks, water, you name it. You will be standing a lot: the ceremony, photo shoot, reception, dancing … so bring an extra pair of comfortable shoes to change into.
  4. Cater events such as the bachelorette and bridal shower to your bride’s likes and preferences. If she’s not the type of gal to appreciate a stripper, don’t get her one.