What Image Consulting Is … And What Image Consulting Is Not?

Image Consulting is Not about the clothes,
it’s about the Power of Change.

What Image Consulting Is Not:

Fluff. It has been proven that our visual presentation is worth 55% of our overall image. Clothing and grooming accounts for 90%. We believe what we see is more important than what we say or how we sound. In fact, research has shown that interviewers have started to make up their mind “whether or not you have a chance” within minutes or even by the time you shake hands.

A flashy makeover. We believe in helping our clients express their authentic self ~ we don’t believe in making people into something they are not!

A quick fix. We believe in helping our clients embrace the pearl hidden within. And like Michelangelo discovered, expressing a true work of art might take a little longer than anticipated…and it’s okay – because you are worth it!

Shopping as a pastime. I was once introduced as “the person who can help you spend your money.” Ouch! This description couldn’t be any more wrong. The time shared shopping is used to accomplish what “you need” to do so you can project the right image and achieve your goals – personal or professional.

An additional cost to your wardrobe. We believe that our clients’ well-being and successes are worth a lot more than the financial investment. One client said it perfectly, “the cost of image consulting services is repaid many times over the years just through money not spent on so many occasions on unsuitable and unflattering clothing”.


What Image Consulting Is:

An opportunity for you..

To hire a trained image specialist that can facilitate the authentic and optimal development of an individual’s appearance, behaviour, and communication, in order to help them achieve more of what is possible in themselves and in their lives.

To work with a certified image consultant that can help you move away from self-sabotaging and status quo behaviours and strive for access to all possibilities.

To recognize, under the supervision of a certified image professional, your unconscious habits of self-sabotage by identifying the visual and non-visual clues that affect your quality of life, and consequently propel you forward to experience more exciting opportunities, and feel excited about your potential.

To make a life long investment in the person who should matter the most … you.

Like all good things, it takes time and patience to reap the rewards of your investment. Period. This investment will be repeatedly used over a lifetime to help you project the desired image and achieve the desired results.