Have you ever worked with a colleague who is constantly critical of everything and everyone? Or ended a friendship or promising relationship because of too much negativity?
How we behave at home, work or play affects others around us and how they perceive us. Image encompasses not only our visual appearance but also how we behave and how we communicate. If you tend to be negative at work, you may unknowingly be damaging your chances of promotion or heading up that important project. If you are negative, you become a burden to be around, and people will quickly start avoiding you all together. Period.
Which Mindset Do You Practice in Your Daily Life… The Abundance of Spring OR the Scarcity of Winter?
- The Scarcity Mentality fears that there is not enough to go around. It creates a lack of inner happiness and generosity towards others, plus great emotional pain and stress.
- The Abundance Mentality believes that there is enough of everything for everyone. You have faith that you will be provided for in just the right way at the right time, thus manifesting options, alternatives, and sparking creativity.
Spring symbolizes rebirth and renewal. It’s a fresh start filled with hope and possibility. After the scarcity of winter, spring entices us to clean house, start a new garden or outdoor activity. Spring is invigorating and energizing. It is the perfect time to take stock of our behaviour, and possibly that of those around us.
How to Embrace Abundance
To change an old mindset or a less fruitful mentality, set new goals and embrace a new perspective on life. Practice the abundance mentality. It’s absolutely critical today and tomorrow. Reaching your full potential isn’t a destination – it’s a path that leads to a healthy and happy personal and professional image. There is enough. You are enough.
Learn more about reaching your potential.